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2023 Dairy Cattle Welfare Symposium

Promoting dairy cattle welfare and ethics through science and implementation of best practices

Join us for a two-day in-person symposium covering dairy cattle welfare from the beginning to the end. This annual event brings together dairy farmers, veterinarians, consultants, universities, and the dairy community for learning and discussion to continue to improve the well-being and health of dairy cattle and the ability and fulfilment of farmers and their staff. The first keynote speaker will be Dr. Karen Christensen, Tyson Foods, discussing “Utilizing animal observations to enhance animal welfare”. Other speakers will include Drs. Laura Solano, Nick Bell, Nigel Cook, Eric Van der Velde, Trevor DeVries, Melissa Cantor, Dan Weigel, Ms. Mary Dransfield, and Mr. Lambert Vandermade. The program will also include producer panel discussions as well as short oral presentations on dairy welfare-related research by students from universities across the country. Also, two pre-conference sessions will be available on May 16th offering practical solutions: 1) Spanish session for dairy farm personnel "Leadership and animal welfare culture" and 2) farm tour to visit a new milking robot in batches (Pepper Dairy, Texas).

Symposium Proceedings/Recordings

Access to the Symposium Proceedings/Recordings are a member benefit.